Friday 27 May 2011

How to Avoid Computer Virus Infecting

There is nothing worse than running into a problem when you least expect it. Whether you’ve lost all your work on your computer, deleted something by accident, or didn’t save something you thought you did, it can really ruin your day.

A computer virus is no better, and can really upset you. It’s frustrating to know that we’ve spent good money on our computer to then see it be affected by something that’s totally not necessary. Computer viruses are all over the web and can throw your computer off or can ruin it completely. If you’d like to decrease your odds of getting one, here are some tips below!

Avoid certain websites: There are several websites on the Internet that can easily send a virus your way. Avoid websites that deal with porn, gambling, or anything that looks too fishy. Stick to the websites that you know best and ones that don’t cause you trouble already.

Check for Google’s lookout: When you type in whatever you’re looking for in Google, they will have a green check mark to the right letting you know the website is safe. If there is a red “x” or no green check mark, skip it.

Software: There are many great software’s like AVG, Scotty the patrol dog, and Norton anti-virus that can run all the time on your computer. These will let you know when a virus is being detected or if you may be threatened by one. Run these all the time to decrease your chances of being affected by one.

Avoid clicking links: It isn’t uncommon for spammers to e-mail you certain messages with links in them. They say they are for something else, but usually end up being something dangerous for your computer. Never click on the links, especially ones that have you sign into your bank account or credit card accounts.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to avoid getting a computer virus. If you share a computer with your family, make sure they keep all of these in mind, and be sure to take time to teach your children about them. The best way to avoid computer viruses is through preventing them in the first place!

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