Tuesday 17 May 2011

HTML : Head Marquee bgsound Embed Autoplay Loop Playcount Anchor

HTML : Head Marquee bgsound Embed Autoplay Loop Playcount Anchor

HTML stands for HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE, which is used to design the WebPages. HTML is case insensitive language and error less language. Every HTML file must contain <html>(open tag) and </html> (closing tag)
Head :   By using this tag we can send some information through the HTTP head location.
Example Script

HTML Notes

Write this script in notepad and save the notepad with “.html” extension. And open the file you can see the HTML Notes output.
Marquee :  By using this tag we can scroll some content(text/image) on the webpage.
Example HTML Script

HTML Script Notes
Write this script in notepad and save the notepad with “.html” extension. And open the file you can see the HTML Notes scrolling.
bgsound : By using this tag we can play some background music on the WebPages.
Example Script
<TITLE> HTML Script Notes  </TITLE>
<BGSOUND SRC="file:///F:\Demo\xyz.mp3" LOOP=10>
Embed :  By using this tag we can embed external plugging to the video files and flash files on the web pages.
Autoplay : By using this property we can stop the execution of the embed file, when the page is loaded.
Loop : By using this tag we can run the embedded file continuously on the web page. Default value of the loop is false.
 Example Script
<embed src=”HTMLNOTES.avi” loop=false”>

Playcount : By using this property we can repeat the embedded file on the specified number of times.
<embed src=”HTMLNotes.avi” autoplay= false” playcount=”3”>

Anchor : By using this tag we can display the hyperlinks in the webpages. “href” is an attribute used to provide the path of the link.
Example HTML Script
<body link="red" alink="green" vlink="black">
<a href="http://www.danphp.com">Goog</a>
<a href="http://www.indiansite.com.au">Goog</a>
<a href="http://www.allpctips.com">Goog</a>

1 comment:

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