Saturday 14 May 2011

HTML : LI OL UL Wikipedia Concept

LI: To display the list items on the web page.
OL: Order List: To display the numeric index alphabetic, roman letters in front of the  list items.
UL: Unordered list: To place circles, square and bullet symbols in front of the list items.
*Type is  an attribute to specify the types of index what we want to display in front of the list items.
Sample Script:
<ol type="A">
<li>HTML Notes</li>
<li>JavaScript Notes</li>
<li>PHP Notes</li>
Save this file with .html extension.
Sample Script:
Wikipedia Concept
<a href="#con1">k</a>
<a href="#con2">kk</a>
<a href="#">Advantages</a>
<h1 id="con1">k</h1> Past Content Here
<h1 id="con2">kk</h1>Past Content Here
Save this file with .html extension.

Tables: By using this tag we can align the contents on the web pages. We can get the exact output what we want by using Tables. If you design the web page using tables, the alignment will not disturb.
Tr: Table Row: By using this tag we can place the rows in a table.
Td: By using this tag we can display the cells in the tables to place the content.
Colspan: By using this property we can merge the columns.
Rowspan: By using this property we can merge the rows.

Sample Script:

<table border="0" bgcolor="green" align="left">
<tr><td>HTML Notes</td><td><input type="text"></td></tr>
<tr><td>PHP Notes</td><td><input type="text"></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" colspan="2"><button>Java Script</button></td></tr>
Cellpading: The space between content of cells and border of the cells.
Cellspacing: The space between one cell and another cell.
Sample Script:
<table border="2" cellpadding="30" cellspacing="25">

1 comment:

  1. This is Jackson's first time in tphp notes Bumbo, and php notes did great holding himself up, until php notes noticed his feet and slumped over to get a closer look at tphp notesm. php notes's really been noticing his hands and feet a good bit, and php notes's continually seeing how far php notes can cram both fists into his mouth.
