Thursday, 19 May 2011

Shortcut function keys in excel

Here is a list of shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel.
1.      F1: Opens a help task pane
2.      F1 + Ctrl: Opens or closes the help window
3.      F2: To edit the text in the active cell
4.      F2 + Shift: To write a comment in the active cell
5.      F2 + Alt: Opens the save as dialog box
6.      F3 + Shift: opens the insert dialog box
7.      F3 + Ctrl: Opens the define name dialog box
8.      F3 + Shift + Ctrl:  Opens the create name dialog box
9.      F4:  To redo the last command
10.  F4 + Ctrl: To close the workbook window
11.  F4 + Alt: To close the excel program
12.  F5: Opens the Goto dialog box
13.  F5 + Ctrl: brings back to the first level of workbook
14.  F6: To shift between help taskbar and the excel window
15.  F6 + Shift: To goto the previous square in the open worksheet
16.  F6 + Ctrl: If more than one workbook is open to switch between them
17.  F7: To open spelling correction window
18.  F7 + Ctrl: When workbook window is not maximised it will move the window
19.  F8: To activate / deactivate extended mode
20.  F9: Will calculate all the worksheets in all open workbooks
21.  F9 + Shift: Will calculate the active worksheet
22.  F9 + Ctrl: To Minimise the workbook window
23.  F10: Will select the menu bar
24.  F10 + Ctrl: To open minimised window
25.  F11: Will create a chart using the current range
26.  F11 + Shift: To select a new worksheet
27.  F11 + Alt: To switch between visual basic editor and the worksheet
28.  F11 + Alt + Shift: Opens microsoft script editor
29.  F12: Opens save as dialog box
30.  F12 + Shift: Saves the active workbook
31.  F12 + Ctrl: To open the Open dialog box
32.  F12 + Ctrl + Shift: Opens the print dialog box

Ctrl+Shift+O: To select all the cells with comments. If there are no cells with contents then you will get ‘No cells found’ message.
Ctrl+[ : To show which are the related cells in the selected formula.
Ctrl+] : To show the related formulas of the selected cell.
Shift+Arrow key : The selection will be extended to one more adjacent cell.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow key : The selection will be extended to the last cell with data either horizontally or vertically based on your current selection.
Shift+Home : The selection will  be extended to the first cell horizontally.
Ctrl+Shift+Home : Selection will be extended to the first cell in the worksheet.
Ctrl+Shift+End: Selection will be extended until the last cell in the worksheet/.
Enter: Cursor will be moved to the next cell below the current cell.


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