Saturday 21 May 2011

What Is Swap post title in blogger.

By blog title or change post title with blog title and swap title for static pages of blogger for better Search Engine Optimization SEO.

Firstly I want to tell you about the default blogger titles for home page and for post pages.

Now suppose your blog title is " search engine optimization " and you created a post which title is " how to swap post title in blogger " Now if you are in your home page then your title for that page will be " search engine optimization " which will appear in the top of the browsers and in the search engines as well. Now if you are in your post which did you created as I mentioned above then it will be " search engine optimization: how to swap post title in blogger ". So you can see that in your post pages your blog title is first and then your post title so major search engine will give the priority to your blog title first rather than your post title. so it is a good idea for swapping your titles so after this blogger hack your post title will be " how to swap post title in blogger: search engine optimization " so search engine will taken priority to your post title rather than your blog title so it is good for your blogger seo. You can check my title of this post at the top of browser but in my post title there will not be blog title included why did I? I will tell you later of this post.

Now I am writing this post for how to change blogger post title instead of blog title for every page in blogger for better search engine optimization SEO. I am considering both methods here.

1. Swap blogger post title with blog home page title for every page of your blogger blog.
2. change blogger blog title with post title for every page of your blogger blog.

change blogger blog title with post title for every page of your blogger blog.

as you can see in the above preview we categories in up to 3 numbers. The 1. and 2. is based on my first method i.e., " Swap blogger post title with blog home page title for every page of your blogger blog. " here is the swapping of post title and blog title while in the 3. is based on my second method i.e., " change blogger blog title with post title for every page of your blogger blog. " here is not swapping although here I will construct the title which is totally on our post title.

1.[First Method] Now we are creating our first method i.e., how to swap post title with blog title in blogger.

 [Don't forget to backup your template] Check box in "  Expand Widget Templates " and find the code (using ctrl+F) <title><data:blog.title/></title> just replace that code with the below one ::

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> |<data:blog.title/></title>
<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>

Now you have been successfully swap your post title with blog title in blogger. Basically your title for every page should be at most 65 character. If you exceed this limit then it will be overloaded as you can see in the figure 1.1 in 2. number and also it will look like as spoil so the chances for visitor's clicks will be decreased so in that factor if you are swapping your title with post and blog title then the chances for overloading will be higher because your blog title will be taken some character and the rest for your post title so you can remove your blog title for every post pages and you can create your full 65 character for your post pages as your targeted keywords as well. Recently blogger launch it's static pages so I am including the static pages for swapping title in the below code. Here I am giving the codes which are the multiple solution for you.

2.[second Method] let's see what you will get in My Second Method codes :

How to change post title in Blogger.

[ No swapping for 65 character criteria ]
How to swap post title for static pages in blogger.

[ Since static page title is too short ]
How to optimize post title for better search engine optimization SEO.

[ include your targeted keywords ]

The following code will be cover all the above solution just copy the below code instead of code1.1 and paste as you did before.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

The above code is nothing but the game of if-else conditions which we have applied several times during our boring semesters in C or C++ programming [ just kidding !]. Now if you have any doubt or could not be understand what does these code means then feel free to ask me as comment here. You done !


  1. Thats really informative because i was facing this problem since a long time and now its resolved. thanks a lot..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
