3d dots move along with Javascript
Save the blow code with .html extension and see the 3d dots rotating along with the mouse cursor.
<title>Rotating 3D Cube in JavaScript</title>
<style type="text/css">
<body onmousemove="a = event.clientX / 99; b = event.clientY / 99;">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* I wrote this script in a few minutes just for fun. It's not made to win any
competition. */
var dimension = 1, a = 0, b = 0, i = 27;
while (i--) document.write('<b id="l' + i + '">+</b>');
function f()
i = 0;
for (x = -dimension; x <= dimension; x += dimension)
for (y = -dimension; y <= dimension; y += dimension)
for (z = -dimension; z <= dimension; z += dimension)
u = x;
v = y;
w = z;
u2 = u * Math.cos(a) - v * Math.sin(a);
v2 = u * Math.sin(a) + v * Math.cos(a);
w2 = w;
u = u2; v = v2; w = w2;
u2 = u;
v2 = v * Math.cos(b) - w * Math.sin(b);
w2 = v * Math.sin(b) + w * Math.cos(b);
u = u2; v = v2; w = w2;
var c = Math.round((w + 2) * 70);
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (c > 255) c = 255;
s = document.getElementById('l' + i).style;
s.left = 300 + u * (w + 2) * 50;
s.top = 300 + v * (w + 2) * 50;
s.color = 'rgb(' + c + ', ' + c + ', 0)';
s.fontSize = (w + 2) * 16 + 'px';
/* The Digg users missed depth sort, so here it is. */
s.zIndex = Math.round((w + 2) * 10);
/* Using a timer instead of the onmousemove handler wastes CPU time but makes
the animation much smoother. */
setInterval('f()', 17);
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