Saturday 23 April 2011

Configuration directives to work with the Sessions

Configuration directives to work with the Sessions

*session.auto_start: This directive is used to start the sessions when the request is started. The default value is 0.

*session.save_path: This directive is used to provide the path to save the sessions.

*session.save_handler: This directive is used to provide the location, when you want to save store the sessions in client system. This directive is used to provide the name to store the sessions in client system. The default value is pgpsessid

session.use_cookies: This directive is used to, whether use cookies or not to store the sessions. The default value is 1.

session.cookie_lifetime: By using this directive we can change the lifetime of cookie to store the sessions. The default value is 0.

session.gc_maxlifetime : By using this directive we can provide the maximum lifetime to destroy the data of session files with the help of garbage collector.

*garbage collector: garbage collector is a tool used to check the unreferenced objects. The default value is 1440(24 minutes).

$_SERVER: By using this super global variable we can get the information of web server. Like software, server ip address, remote user ip address, server port numbers.

$_SERVER.[SERVER_SOFTWARE] : This element returns the complete information of web server.

$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]:  By using this element we can get the name of the web server.

$_SERVER[SERVER_ADDR] : By using this element, we can get the ip address of web server.

$_SERVER[SERVER_PORT]: This element holds the port number of web server.

$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] : By using this element we can find out the visitors ip address.

$_SERVER[SERVER_ADMIN] : This element holds the admin name along with the server name.
$_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME]: This element holds the complete path of the executing file.

$_SERVER[REMOTE_PORT] : This element holds the port number of client system.

$_SERVER[SERVER_PROTOCAL] : This elect holds the information of protocol, what
we are using to transform the information.

$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] : This element holds the information of a query string.

$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] : This element holds the current file name along with the query string.

$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME] & $_SERVER[PHP-SELF] : By using these elements we can get the current script name.

$_ENV : By using this super global variable we can get the environment variable values.

*phpinfo : By using this function we can get the all php.ini configurations directives.

*phpinfo(16) : Returns the all environment variables.


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